Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Beauty is - The light in your heart

Got dark circles? Conceal them.

Sick of acne? Slab a layer of foundation.

Tired of curly/wavy hair? Straighten them.

Too fat to fit in a dress? Shed those pounds.

There's a solution for each of the above problems and much more. However, is it really worth it at the end of the day or a week later if you don't feel good within?

Sadly, the answer is NO.

According to a recent experiment conducted by Dove, it revealed that an alarming 80% of women fell hesitant to share the way they look. Hence, the right state of mind of can unlock the raw beauty within which is sure to unleash a whole new world out there for you.

Here is the short film which will help you unveil the powerful woman inside you.

Dove: Patches from Dove Pakistan on Vimeo.

Dove revealed this documentary globally in 58 countries at the same time including Pakistan. At the launch event held on 9th April, 2014 at Verde Bistro Cafe, notable bloggers and people of great influence were invited to talk and inspire everyone to develop a strong relationship with their own inner beauty.

Beauty is just a state of mind.

As one says, “Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.”

If you feel beautiful inside, those under eye bags, acne, curly hair or the extra pounds will take a rear seat and your confidence will pack you to an amazing world outside.

Don't forget, you're beautiful, just the way you are.